
the month to detox our self-care


This page will be updated throughout the month. 


Our Personal Care Products

Did you know that the safety of most personal care products is not known? In fact, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) estimated that 89% of the 10,500 chemicals used in personal care products have not been assessed by the FDA (EWG 2007a). A survey that was led by also the EWG estimates that the average person applies 126 unique ingredients onto the skin each day. Increasingly, studies are finding that some of these ingredients enter our bodies and participate in our biology.

In June, we will meditate on our self-care and beauty routines. By the end of the month, I hope you have selected at least one detox tweak to ingrain as a new habit. Be sure to sign up for my free email newsletter to receive updates.

—Sophia Ruan Gushée

Clean Beauty Q&As

During June's beauty detox theme, I featured interviews with the trailblazers below.

Clémence von Mueffling

Founder of Beauty and Wellbeing and author of Ageless Beauty the French Way

Danielle Wu

Founder of More Sunday

Agnieszka Wilson

Humanitarian and Founder of Urban Witches

Clean Beauty Q&As

During May's skin detox theme, I featured interviews with the trailblazers below.

Juhi Singh

Mama Medicine

Kimberly Snyder

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